Thursday, February 12, 2009


Addiction runs in my family a fact I've known for quite awhile now! Although up until recently this is something I believed I didn't struggle with myself. OH how I was wrong! I am addicted to shopping and this experience has opened my eyes to this and is helping me to change. They say acceptance is the first step. :) I realized today that ebay is my new best friend when I started browsing just to see what was for sale and how much of a steal I can find it for! It literally took me having someone say "yeah but do you need that?, I thought this year was about creating less waste. You are still bringing waste into your life!" Wow was that a slap in the face! Hi my name is Liz and I am a shopaholic! Thankfully I am aware and have vowed to change my life for the better! My family does not need the clutter or stress that extra crap brings.

As a side note, I want everyone to know I am not making light of addiction I truely feel for everyone fighting their battles! (but I do feel I am addicted.)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Puppy Love

Good things are happening as a result of our Mom*Pact. It's funny how one step in the right direction takes you to the next and before you know it, your life is changing in extraordinary ways. The idea of being a better steward of our earth has caused me to reflect on being a better steward of my health, life, time, friendships, family,etc.
Two weeks ago, I started to feel beat down. I was tired, depressed, discouraged, and feeling pretty hopeless. I ended up in bed, completely weak and ill. Those who know me, know that I'm pretty high-energy and animated, but I felt like I was litteraly dying. I racked my brain trying to figure out what in the heck was wrong with me. It wasn't the flu. I didn't have a fever, but I couldn't function. I began to think that I was crazy and that it was all in my head. As I lay in bed, praying to God to heal me, I took an inventory of my habits and lifestyle. I had been surviving off of redbull, pepsi, coffee, and random food here and there. I was deeply self critical and my constant failures and false starts caused me to loose confidence in my ability to carry out and complete any significant goal. Every week was the "week that I would get my U-Know-What together."
God is so good, and He always manages to send you a little kiss just when you think you're going to go under. That weekend my friend Victoria popped into town. She came over and we layed around watching Vh1 and E! reruns while talking about life. After a few tears and some encouraging words, Victoria helped me realize something so simple, yet so significant and profound. "Baby Steps..." I'm an extremest. "Balls to the Walls." All or nothing is my naural inclination. So, I took my journal full of goals and broke them down into baby steps. First thing first, a complete and unwavering trust that God is in control and that He works all things together for the good to those who Love Him and are called according to His purpose. Second, evaluate what is not working and causing me to fall further away from the passionate life that I want to live. And third, taking it one step at a time....
Instead of embarking on an intense P90X workout that I probably would've quit after 2 days, I started taking walks every morning and used that time to thank God for my life, my kids, my health, the beautiful creation of our earth and that no matter how messed up I can get, He still loves me. This lead to an overall attitude of gratitude and desire to take better care of the health that He has blessed me with. I started drinking Green Tea instead of coffee, water instead of pepsi, fruit instead of junk and I've even been drinking this amazing green drink that has given me energy and health. My mind is clear, my heart is grateful, my body is energized, and my spirit is refreshed.
I have had the opportunity to bless others through freecylce and in turn have received a priceless gift of a new addition to our family. Buddy, my new puppy was in need of a home after his family moved to Santa Barbara. He was headed to a pound, when a friend of the owner posted the add on freecycle. I made contact and immediately bonded with the owner. It's funny how life comes full circle. When I was 8, I got a toy poodle for my birthday. I loved him so much. We had to move and my dad gave him away. I was heartbroken and never really loved another pet since. Buddy was a gift to the oldest son of this family who is about the same age as I was. It was such a gift to be able to welcome into our home. I see Buddy, and it's like I'm seeing my "poopsie" (only an 8 year old would come up with a name like that. LOL) He is playful, trained, and pottie trained. He's my walking buddy and I absolutely love him. I just can't believe how amazing life is right now.
Just one step at a time....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm not a shopper. I don't like to shop. NOT even grocery shopping. Yes, I'm a rare breed of woman who does not enjoy shopping. But I'm feeling frumpy and need to update my wardrobe. I thought this challenge would be easy for me because I don't shop anyway. But I find myself looking for loopholes. Like, for instance, bra's and underwear. Hello! I'm not using recycled ones. And shoes. What's the point of buying used tennis shoes when you need the support of new ones. My boys are growing so fast. I need clothes for them, especially jeans. AHHHH! Ok, breathe..... I'm stretched so thin that going on a thrift store scavenger hunt is like shaving your legs with tweezers. Am I crazy? Ok I know I am a little crazy by default. I am a Cadena afterall. I need some tips. Where do I go to get nice looking recycled clothes. I need to narrow my search. HELP THE FRUMPY MOM

Sunday, February 1, 2009

NY here we come!

I am happy to say that like Liz I am so excited that we are have stuck to this challenge to not buy anything new for on full month. It has been a real treat to hear from so many people who are reading and thinking in small ways about how they too can make a big difference. This quest to see how we can make the world a stronger, safer, and cleaner place for our children is worth the effort. Thanks to everyone who keeps me going and give me suggestions when needed and jokes when i get frustrated. You are all part of the solution! Gracias!

However, this month will be my personal challenge. I have a rejuvenation trip to New York planed with my best girls. Yes, this means NY with no crazy shopping spree! My goal is to do my best to not shop for anything new. I may look for something cool that is upcyled (made with something recycled) and i will no doubt be bringing home my baby girl something. I will however try to find something that will be earth friendly. Keep me in your thoughts and give my any suggestion that you may have.