Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm often wow'd by the things in life that give you strength. Not strength as in muscle but strength as in power, and confidence! When I gave birth to my second son I didn't have pain medication like I did with the first, and I have often said that I honestly thought at times during that delivery that I was going to die! But being that close to death (or at least feeling that close) and knowing that you have survived is a very empowering feeling! You feel invincible and you now know that you can push yourself farther than you ever thought possible. This is completely different but yet so the same~ I never went into this thinking it would be easy, but also not realizing just how hard it would be. I also never realized just how empowering self control, and creative thinking could be! It is an awesome feeling to know you are making a difference, no matter how big or small! I encourage all of you to challenge yourself to not buy, if even for just a week or month. Knowing that you are making a difference is powerful and you will feel better at the end of your challenge no matter how big or small.

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