Saturday, January 31, 2009


So I unlike my sister have no problem leaving my house un-showered, with dishes in the sink and my bed unmade! To those that know me this is no great surprise, since my house has an open door policy and is often visited in such a state. I have two boys, one of whom hasn't stopped moving since the day he was born, so I've learned that to keep my sanity I must leave my house daily! Recently though something new has happened in our house he's turned two and now thinks tv is his new best friend! Last week I had a couple of errands to run and a play date set up and was trying to get out of the house (on a day the tv had actually been off) and Sawyer was having nothing to do with it, he wanted to stay home. The more aggravated I became the more it was obvious he didn't want to leave. I called my husband and said "I just don't know what to do, he's not being bad, he just doesn't want to get dressed!" to which he responded "well then put him in time-out." Then it hit me am I really going to put him in time out because I want to leave the house! Nothing we had to do was that important. So we changed gears I made play-dough and we had a great afternoon together! I know the importance of getting out (as we are at the park at least 2x a week) but some afternoons remember it is just as important to take time and enjoy the simple things in life! That afternoon, I spent no money, didn't worry when my son ate the play dough and sat and played with a little boy who normally runs circles around me!

I also made a huge mess that took me two days to clean up! but the way I see it, there are always dishes in my sink, what's one more. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this post and the reminder to slow down a bit. You are such a great mommy, friend, and wife. What a gift you gave your son that day, YOU!
